News & Events

CYFA Announcement #13/2024 – Consultation Professional Services Sector – Preparation of a Competitiveness study, strategy and action plan for the effective promotion of services abroad

The Association would like to inform its members that the Ministry of Energy, Commerce & Industry is proceeding with the preparation of a competitiveness study...
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CYFA Announcement #12/2024 – MoU CYFA-Invest Cyprus

We are delighted to inform you that CYFA and Invest Cyprus have signed on the 15th May 2024 a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), aiming to...
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CYFA Announcement #11/2024 – Ministry of Finance Announcement 09-05-2024

The Association would like to notify its members of the latest Ministry of Finance Announcement dated 09/05/2024 regarding the reporting obligation of Article 5r of...
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CYFA Announcement #10/2024 – Ministry of Finance Announcement 16-04-2024

The Association would like to notify its members of the latest Ministry of Finance Announcement dated 16/04/2024 regarding the introduction of new reporting obligations of...
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CYFA Announcement #09/2024 – MOU signed between the Cyprus Fiduciary Association (CYFA) and the Cyprus Integrity Forum (CIF)

We are delighted to inform you that CYFA and CIF have recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The MoU aims to establish a platform...
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CYFA Announcement #08/2024 – UBO Registry Registrar Announcement 14-03-24

The Association would like to notify its members of the latest Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property Announcement issued on the 14th of March 2024...
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CYFA Announcement #07/2024 – UBO Registry Registrar Announcement

Title: UBO Registry-Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property Announcement 14/03/2024 A. The Association would like to notify its members of the latest Registrar of Companies...
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CYFA Announcement #06/2024 – Issues related to Cyprus Beneficial Ownership Register of Express Trusts and Similar Legal Arrangements (CyTBOR)

Concerning the CyTBOR Trust Registry, please find attached CySEC’s latest response to the issues raised by CYFA and STEP Cyprus through their letter dated 12th...
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CYFA Announcement #05/2024 – UBO Registry Registrar Announcement 31-01-24 – Extension and Return of fines paid

To the above subject matter, we would like to inform that the Department of Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property has issued today (31/01/2024) a...
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CYFA Announcement #04/2024 CYFA-CCCI meeting

The Association would like to inform its members that as part of its overall efforts and initiatives to promote industry positions with key industry stakeholders,...
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CYFA Announcement #03/2024 – UBO Registry Registrar Announcement 17-01-24 – Extension

To the above subject matter please be informed of the latest announcement issued by the Department of the Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property dated...
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CYFA Announcement #02/2024 – UBO Registry-Registrar Announcement 12-01-24

Concerning the above subject matter, please be informed that the Department of the Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property has proceeded to issue today (12/01/2024)...
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