CYFA Announcement #12/2024 – MoU CYFA-Invest Cyprus

We are delighted to inform you that CYFA and Invest Cyprus have signed on the 15th May 2024 a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), aiming to strengthen their ties and foster cooperation to further develop the Cyprus business ecosystem, accelerate economic growth, and create jobs in Cyprus through Foreign Direct Investment.

In brief, the main goals of this collaboration include maintaining frequent and regular contact between the two organisations for a mutual exchange of information centered on the fiduciary and administrative services sector and cooperating in preparing surveys, industry reports, and other projects aimed at growing the fiduciary sector and, subsequently, the economy of Cyprus. Moreover, the two organisations will facilitate introductions with international and foreign companies interested in collaborating to establish or expand their presence in Cyprus. Lastly, they will address any other issues pertinent to the broader development of the business ecosystem, ensuring a comprehensive approach to fostering growth and innovation in Cyprus.

The newly established collaboration will enable the Association to further enhance its objectives to promote the best business practices and members’ interests.

Relevant links to daily press can be found at:

CYFA will continue to keep its members informed of any further developments.

It is noted that each member is obliged to comply with the circulars/guidelines/announcements of the relevant authorities and regulators. Any information contained in this notification/announcement, or any other notifications/announcements or circulars should be assessed on its own merits.