
The Association would like to inform its members that the Ministry of Finance has issued on the 04/04/2022 a new announcement regarding sanctions against Russia and Belarus. The new announcement replaces the 1st Announcement issued dated 14/03/2022. The new announcement, which is currently issued only in the Greek language, provides relevant information on the implementation...
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With regards to the subject matter, the Association would like to remind you of the announcement of the Cyprus Municipality Union dated 20th October 2020 (attached) urging all municipalities to adopt a single policy regarding the imposition of annual professional license to legal entities. At the same time, it is noted that each member is...
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Further to CYFA Update #05/2022, we would like to inform our members that the Association has successfully engaged in the public consultation procedure and has submitted relevant positions to the European Banking Authority (EBA). It is the opinion of the Association that the EBA initiative is a positive step in improving financial sector practices and...
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In relation to CYFA Announcement #6/2022, the Association would like to inform its Members that following the industry stakeholders meeting held at CCCI offices on the 22nd February 2022, a jointly signed letter has been sent to the Ministry of Finance (dated 10th March 2022). The letter (attached), co-signed by all main stakeholders, including CYFA,...
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Following CYFA Announcement #3/2022 on the subject matter dated 18th February 2022, we would like to inform our members that Association representatives participated in an informal consultation meeting which took place at the Ministry of Finance on Wednesday the 9th March 2022. During the meeting, industry stakeholders consulted with Ministry officials and exchanged views on...
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CYFA would like to inform its members that the Department of Registrar of Companies has announced today, the 1st March, 2022 that the submission period of beneficial owners data is extended to 31.07.2022. Παράταση χρόνου υποβολής των στοιχείων των πραγματικών δικαιούχων στο μητρώο Πραγματικών Δικαιούχων Εταιρειών και άλλων νομικών οντοτήτων Extension of time for the...
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CYFA would like to inform its members that the Department of Registrar of Companies announces that, as of Monday 28.02.2022, Ariadni is implementing the new forms for the authentication profile of the legal entities registered with the Registrar of Companies (i.e. companies, European companies and partnerships). In addition, with the new forms the bulk authentication...
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CYFA would like to inform its members that the Ministry of Finance is currently examining a possible reform of the Cyprus Tax Regime. According to the Ministry, the need to update the tax system is deemed necessary and is part of the overall efforts to design a new competitive and attractive framework that shall reflect...
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CYFA would like to inform its members that the European Banking Authority (EBA) launched a public consultation on its draft Guidelines on the use of remote customer onboarding solutions. These Guidelines set out a common understanding by competent authorities of the steps financial sector operators should take to ensure safe and effective remote customer onboarding...
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CYFA would like to inform its members that as part of the ongoing communication of the Association with the Industry Regulators, an online meeting between CYFA representatives and CySec Officials took place on the 7th February 2022. The main topic of discussion was the new RBSF report that is to be released later this year...
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