In relation to the Form RBSF-ASP, CYFA would like to inform its members that CySEC has accepted a relevant submission deadline request made by the Association on the 12th April 2023. In this respect, it is noted that the Form must be successfully submitted electronically via CySEC’s Transaction Reporting System (‘TRS’) by 15:00 hrs, Wednesday, May 31, 2023, at the latest, by all ASPs that were authorised by CySEC, by December 31, 2022.
Please note that a new Circular C565 has been issued on 12 April 2023, to inform the Administrative Service Providers (‘ASPs’) about the deadline extension for the submission of the Form.
It is noted that each member is obliged to comply with the Tax, AML, ASP Law, and the circulars/guidelines of the relevant authorities and regulators. Any information contained in any other notifications or circulars should be assessed on its own merits.